cabra maravilla
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11League of Legends
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The latest installment of "Drafting for Success," bringing insight into the choices of your favourite teams.
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 25, 2016
It's an undeniable fact that the playoff system does not provide a good metric on how eliminated teams would match between them. This is my take on who were the top-eight teams at Worlds, ranked from best to worst.
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 17, 2016
This is still part of the "Drafting for Success" series, but because of how big and deep it ended up being, it deserves its own name to stand apart from its peers.
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 13, 2016
This is still part of the "Drafting for Success" series, but because of how big and deep it ended up being, it deserves its own name to stand apart from its peers.
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 11, 2016
In this series, we will explore the pick and ban phase, either addressing a pick's strength and weakness, or dismounting a real game pick and ban phase.
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 9, 2016
The axiom that Koreans can't simply be more talented at gaming has been repeated innumerable times, and this article looks to dismantle the idea.
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 8, 2016
In this series of articles, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of meta draft picks, to better understand when they should be drafted and when a team would be better off with a different pick.
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 6, 2016
A comprehensive criticism on the drafting system, how it shapes professionals' practice, and what we can do to improve it.
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 4, 2016
Fighting tanks with cavalry, the finest coach the west has ever produced sits on his throne outside of the spotlight, can his brilliance close the gap?
cabra maravilla
cabra maravilla
Nov 2, 2016